Transitional Housing
Short term independent housing units for families who are ready to live independently yet require additional time and services to achieve total self-sufficiency.
At Family Promise, we're all about foundations. Every family needs a carefully crafted foundation to thrive. Every child needs an educational foundation to reach their full potential. And, of course, every house needs a solid foundation to help it withstand wear and tear. We've got the families and the children covered, but now we need your help with the houses.
Family Promise has a deal with the City of Savannah, through which we have become the proud owners of three single-family homes. We intend to use those homes as housing options the families who graduate from our programs, as it can often be difficult to find them stable, long term housing. The city was kind enough to help us procure these houses, but the journey certainly doesn't end there.
We need the community to rally around and help us renovate, repair, and fix up these homes so they're fit for our families to move into as part of our newly launched Transitional Housing Program. Can we count on you to lend us a hand or help support our efforts with a financial contribution? We'd greatly appreciate your commitment to helping us keep homeless families together and safe as they work toward permanent financial independence.
Please let us know how you'd like to get involved with Family Promise's Transitional Housing Program. To arrange a donation or volunteer to participate in a workday, please call 912-790-9446. Thank you for your time and consideration.